
'Officials worry of summer terror attack' reads an Associated Press headline today as Americans are served up their weekly dose of bellicose fearmongering.
This is not the conclusion of paranoid tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists, but a viewpoint held by major University foreign policy analysts like Lt.-Col. Doug Delaney, chair of the war studies program at the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ontario, who recently told the Toronto Star that "The key to bolstering Western resolve is another terrorist attack like 9/11 or the London transit bombings of two years ago."As Republican political strategists scramble to find a message – any message – that will ring true with voters, GOP leaders in Congress admit privately that control of their party by right-wing extremists makes their recovery all but impossible.
Americans watch and wonder. George W. Bush speech writers, Neoconservatives and the odd state-worshiping evangelical – or do I repeat myself – nod encouragingly in our direction, in Paris Hilton-style and say, "Do you love it?"
Well, do ya, punk?
'A dead Iraqi is just another dead Iraqi... You know, so what?'
Those are the words of a soldier, but they could also be the words of the average brain-dead, self-deluded state-worshiping evangelical so self-absorbed in self-righteous faux patriotism that he can't see the absurdity of his remonstrance to the "faithful" : "Fear God, honor the King" while jealously guarding his 501(c)3 status and basking in oblivious comfort born of ignorance of the founding principles of our great nation. We the People did not bequeath our sovereignty to any earthly king or government. We the People are sovereign. We serve no king but Jesus. That clown in the White House who fancies himself "emperor" is our servant, not our "king". A "christian" who defends the greed and murderous treachery of the Neocons dishonors his Lord. There, I said it. I'm sick to death of hearing about how Islam is a violent religion, as if that fact is all the justification needed for killing bajillions of Muslims in the name of "G.O.D." (greed, oil & drugs). Sorry, buster... wrong God. It is not possible to morally justify the war in Iraq. Terrorism is the product of American "Intelligence" Operations and American foreign policy. Hussein was what we made him, and the "WMD's" he possessed were acquired primarily from us. Al Qaeda survives with the aid of covert intelligence ops and funding. The "War on Terror" is as much a fraud as the "War on Drugs" and the "War on Poverty". Those who think we're doing the "right thing" in Iraq are fools. Those who are profiting from this war are the very people who arranged for it to happen. As Major General Smedley D. Butler, USMC (Retired) said, "War is a racket".
A number of the troops have returned home bearing mental and physical scars from fighting a war in an environment in which the insurgents are supported by the population. Many of those interviewed have come to oppose the US military presence in Iraq, joining the groundswell of public opinion across the US that views the war as futile. Read the entire article by clicking this link.
A number of the troops have returned home bearing mental and physical scars from fighting a war in an environment in which the insurgents are supported by the population. Many of those interviewed have come to oppose the US military presence in Iraq, joining the groundswell of public opinion across the US that views the war as futile. Read the entire article by clicking this link.
Al Qaeda is what Bush craves.
"Al Qaeda" has worked so long and so well for the Neocons and their agenda for global hegemony. And not surprisingly, for they wrote the script and they created the "monster" for their own purposes. Don't believe it? If not, you haven't been paying attention. History is replete with evidence for anyone with the courage to look. (Remember Operation Northwoods?)
Scripts help us understand complexities in human arrangements. A good story, on paper or on screen, takes what we know and grasp, and helps us see the next level, imagine new connections, imbue with grand meaning the previously mundane.
Our primary American script, for good or for evil, was that City on the Hill of our Puritan ancestors. But the script for the latter days of the Bush Administration is looking more and more like Mike Judge’s Idiocracy.
Al Qaeda – not complicated civil wars or the reality of human suffering and rage, not human longing for autonomy and liberty and love and community – Al Qaeda is what Bush craves. Al Qaeda is what the U.S. government, taxpayer dependent industry and mainstream media need.
Thus, we are fed Al Qaeda, morning, noon and night. We consume it, over and over again, repeating the mantra.
To treat the sickness of Dubya and Dick, stop drinking the Kool-aid. Trust me, it’s easy. Ignore those media outlets that transmit his message – and that’s pretty easy too. Media is business (even when corrupted by government linkages), and it will give us what we want to hear.
Stop buying the recycled BS and terror-filled Washington talking points, and they’ll stop selling. Conservative TV and talk radio are already feeling the pain of a nation that disapproves of war and global intervention, wasted treasure and blood.
On Iraq and Afghanistan, try walking away. Quickly, like a puddle of water evaporating in the Mesopotamian sun. Don’t worry that a well-dressed, finely fed and perfectly coiffed neocon in Washington will call you gutless.
If the global policing, base-building, corporate capitalists cry that if we leave now, even more innocent people will die, just remember that "more" is an awful big number. Americans have already killed a million Iraqis and Afghanis, and displaced nearly three million. And this doesn’t count the 500,000 dead Iraqi children our government justified as "worth" a decade of economic sanctions.
Don’t worry that a soldier will ask the impossible question of "If we leave now, why was I maimed, lied to, wasted, and made a murderer?" He’ll ask anyway, and there is only one answer, an old and oft repeated answer, and it hurts. You chose to serve the state, and it sacrificed you for nothing.
The government war on terror, everywhere and all the time – captioned and captive by "Al Qaeda" – is what Bush craves. Like some futuristic Brawndo, it’s killing our country, destroying our economy, and creating morally decrepit automatons where millions of free Americans might stand.
Over 70% of Americans oppose Bush, and his bloody cravings. Just in case we really are approaching idiocracy, that’s plus or minus 200 million. 200 million people who do not support the policy of a dwindling few in Washington, in a republic, ought to mean something. Shouldn’t it?
Scripts help us understand complexities in human arrangements. A good story, on paper or on screen, takes what we know and grasp, and helps us see the next level, imagine new connections, imbue with grand meaning the previously mundane.
Our primary American script, for good or for evil, was that City on the Hill of our Puritan ancestors. But the script for the latter days of the Bush Administration is looking more and more like Mike Judge’s Idiocracy.
Al Qaeda – not complicated civil wars or the reality of human suffering and rage, not human longing for autonomy and liberty and love and community – Al Qaeda is what Bush craves. Al Qaeda is what the U.S. government, taxpayer dependent industry and mainstream media need.
Thus, we are fed Al Qaeda, morning, noon and night. We consume it, over and over again, repeating the mantra.
To treat the sickness of Dubya and Dick, stop drinking the Kool-aid. Trust me, it’s easy. Ignore those media outlets that transmit his message – and that’s pretty easy too. Media is business (even when corrupted by government linkages), and it will give us what we want to hear.
Stop buying the recycled BS and terror-filled Washington talking points, and they’ll stop selling. Conservative TV and talk radio are already feeling the pain of a nation that disapproves of war and global intervention, wasted treasure and blood.
On Iraq and Afghanistan, try walking away. Quickly, like a puddle of water evaporating in the Mesopotamian sun. Don’t worry that a well-dressed, finely fed and perfectly coiffed neocon in Washington will call you gutless.
If the global policing, base-building, corporate capitalists cry that if we leave now, even more innocent people will die, just remember that "more" is an awful big number. Americans have already killed a million Iraqis and Afghanis, and displaced nearly three million. And this doesn’t count the 500,000 dead Iraqi children our government justified as "worth" a decade of economic sanctions.
Don’t worry that a soldier will ask the impossible question of "If we leave now, why was I maimed, lied to, wasted, and made a murderer?" He’ll ask anyway, and there is only one answer, an old and oft repeated answer, and it hurts. You chose to serve the state, and it sacrificed you for nothing.
The government war on terror, everywhere and all the time – captioned and captive by "Al Qaeda" – is what Bush craves. Like some futuristic Brawndo, it’s killing our country, destroying our economy, and creating morally decrepit automatons where millions of free Americans might stand.
Over 70% of Americans oppose Bush, and his bloody cravings. Just in case we really are approaching idiocracy, that’s plus or minus 200 million. 200 million people who do not support the policy of a dwindling few in Washington, in a republic, ought to mean something. Shouldn’t it?
The truth that the Party Bigwigs will not face is that Ron Paul is the only Republican candidate who has a message that resonates with the voters. They're pulling out all the stops to try to get rid of him. Why? Because of G.O.D.: Greed, Oil, and Drugs, the ambrosial virgin-blood elixir of the Neocons who have hijacked our government.
The fix is in, friends. The Republicans have a winning strategy for "victory" (unless, of course, a REAL Republican like Ron Paul wins the nomination, in which case Plan B will be to kill him, then revert to Plan A). Last month, the new chairman of the Arkansas Republican Party Dennis Milligan said that there needed to be more attacks on American soil for President Bush to regain popular approval.
With all those billions to be made, you can bet that he'll get it.
- "At the end of the day, I believe fully the president is doing the right thing, and I think all we need is some attacks on American soil like we had on [Sept. 11, 2001]," Milligan told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, "And the naysayers will come around very quickly to appreciate not only the commitment for President Bush, but the sacrifice that has been made by men and women to protect this country," he concluded.
Yearning for new mass casualty terror attacks for political gain is a GOP strategy - Milligan is merely parroting what was written in a leaked confidential memo that was circulated among senior Republican leaders in late 2005.
"A confidential memo circulating among senior Republican leaders suggests that a new attack by terrorists on U.S. soil could reverse the sagging fortunes of President George W. Bush as well as the GOP and "restore his image as a leader of the American people," reported Capitol Hill Blue on November 12, 2005.
"The closely-guarded memo lays out a list of scenarios to bring the Republican party back from the political brink, including a devastating attack by terrorists that could “validate” the President’s war on terror and allow Bush to “unite the country” in a “time of national shock and sorrow."
As is now well-known, shortly before 9/11 the Project For A New American Century, a Neo-Con lobby group which counts Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney in its ranks, lamented that its rapacious military agenda would not be realized "absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event -- like a new Pearl Harbor."
Early details about the alleged plan confirm that the case mirrors every other major terror sting in the west since 9/11 - where the near-retarded members of the group are entrapped and led by a paid for government provocateur and the scope and feasibility of the plot is vastly overhyped by officials and the media.
Here’s how it works. The disinformation is circulated to the news media and then the intelligence community creates its own terror warnings concerning the very organizations and plots it has created. In some cases, the disinformation appears in advance, in order to pave the way for an up and coming act of “terror” that roots in a desired political outcome. This problem/solution equation always appears when the war effort is waning and serves to give a face to terror via an expensive advertising campaign. A good example of this is the case of Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi.
Like some kind of mythical god or deity, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the supposed former leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq, was apparently killed no less than five times by coalition forces.
He was first killed in the Sulaimaniyah mountains of northern Iraq, then he was killed in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, followed by a death during Operation Matador near the town of Qaim on the Syrian border, then he was killed, along with his mentor, Osama bin Laden, in the besieged city of Fallujah, and finally met his fifth demise in a U.S. air raid north of Baghdad in the town of Hibhib near Baquba.
Before al-Zarqawi met his final demise it also seemed as if he had magical powers that enabled him to escape multiple captures.
Inquisitive questions into just how al-Zarqawi had managed such feats were answered last year when it was revealed via leaked internal military documents that al-Zarqawi was a neocon pet propaganda program. His role and actions had been consistently artificially magnified according to officers involved in the program.
When some senior intelligence officers went public with fears that Zarqawi's role might have been overemphasized by the propaganda campaign, the Pentagon conveniently released a video showing al-Zarqawi wearing tennis shoes and fumbling with a U.S. M-249 squad automatic weapon, unable to operate the gun and appearing to be a total buffoon.
Just months after that pictures of Zarqawi's dead body were widely broadcast and the operation was retired.
In a previous propaganda ploy by the U.S. military command in Baghdad, it was revealed that Iraqi newspapers were paid to carry positive news about U.S. efforts in Iraq.
The latest example of Al Qaeda in Iraq propaganda shows that the military is still desperately trying to placate a media and a population that is sick and tired of funding the globalist empirical operation in the middle east.
Rudy Giuliani wasted no time in exploiting the news for political propaganda - citing it as a reason that he should be elected as president.
Seriously: why push for an early withdrawal, when the Iraq cash-cow is still gushing Congressional money-shots like black rain over Texas? ( Or for that matter, black men over Paris?)
- Cheney’s private army is the new Praetorian Guard!
“The privatization of war hands an incentive to American corporations, many with tremendous political clout, to keep us mired down in Iraq,” said Chris Hedges of the Philadelphia Inquirer. “Despotic movements need paramilitary forces that operate outside the law, forces that sow fear among potential opponents, and are capable of physically silencing those branded by their leaders as traitors. And in the wrong hands, a Blackwater could well become that force.”
(Italics mine. ‘Times New Roman’ italics, no less: coincidence?)
Erik Prince, the ex-Navy SEAL officer and war-profiteer who founded and runs Blackwater USA (“The most comprehensive professional military, law enforcement, security, peacekeeping, and stability operations company in the world", to hear them tell it) is a full-on, card-carrying, undead, brain-eating Cheney-ite, with ties thisclose to the "Christian Right": His father helped start Family Research Council, the fundamentalist Christian think-tank. Erik serves on the board of Christian Freedom International, a nonprofit group aiding "Christians… persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ". (In case you hadn't figured it out yet, folks, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson are NOT Christians, but wolves in sheep's clothing. Santorum is another wolf and professional fakir looking to fatten his belly and his purse at the Neocon corporate welfare hog trough.)
Prince’s family have stuck millions into the deepest and most notoriously corrupt NeoCon glory-holes (namely Tom DeLay and Rick Santorum) and – surprise! -- Blackwater got precious little pesky Congressional scrutiny. This might have created speed bumps around Blackwater’s getting subcontracted, via the Pentagon, to do KBR security gigs in Iraq (KBR being the heat-packing division of Halliburton). A little bit conflict-of-interest-y, since the whole elite, über-kleptocracy are all making out together in one big, spinning, Dubai Hilton mega-bed, drinking goblets of ambrosial virgin-blood, snorting emeralds and playing Gideon Bible II: Vice City.
The example our leaders are setting? Have a death-orgy unto Armageddon, kids. Moral competence is something that only Jesus has – therefore, you shouldn’t even try. Buy helicopter gunships and thrill-kill for the A-list, with the kind of impunity that only the upper .oooo4% can buy.
It’s a good thing that FOX won that last “indecency” battle with the FCC. I predict a whole lot of F-bombs dropping, these next two years. If real bombs were considered sexually suggestive, as opposed to merely murderous – we might finally get some Christians behind outlawing them.
That’s the Trash, mein kampers. Oy!
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