Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Judge Andrew Napolitano_Natural Rights & the Patriot Act

Judge Andrew Napolitano gives a speech from the heart about freedom and from where our rights come. The Judge explains the hard core truth about the Constitution and why we must fight to regain and retain our freedoms. Courtesy of www.CampaignForLiberty.com. Edited by FreeTheNation.com
Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Peter Schiff, Tom Woods, Andrew Napolitano and Daniel Hannan are the new FREEDOM FIGHTERS.

Judge Andrew Napolitano Natural Rights and The Patriot Act part 1 of 3

Judge Andrew Napolitano Natural Rights and PATRIOT ACT Part 2 of 3

Judge Andrew Napolitano Natural Rights and PATRIOT ACT Part 3 of 3

Judge Andrew Napolitano_Health Care Bill Passed by Congress UNCONSTITUTIONAL_1 of 2

Quoting the author of the following video:
I am declaring a Civil Revolution against the bankster-owned government.

We, the American people ARE DONE BEING SCREWED!!! It's time to refresh the tree of liberty with nothing less than A REVOLUTION!!! A Civil Revolution that is peaceful and legal but has the capability of kicking the scum out of Washington and wiping out the big banks and globalist regime's grip on us!!!!

Please go to the website and join now - it's free, it's legal, it's easy!


'Cuz we're not gonna take it anymore!
Go to www.RevoltStartsNow.com

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